Event Details
Friday Musicale
645 Oak Street
Jacksonville, FL 32204
United States
Pricing/Ticket Info
Ticket and sponsor info at https://www.wikitikimag.com/tiki-escape/
Event Dates and Times
Time Zone
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Tiki Escape 2025
Embrace the Tiki Spirit and help support Ronald McDonald House Charities Jacksonville
March 29, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. at Friday Musicale in Jacksonville, FL
It’s our second annual Tiki Escape, the newest Tiki Event in North Florida. See who gets crowned Ms. Tiki Escape Pin-up and Best Wiki Tiki Couple! Come for the fun and excitement of our guest-interactive fundraiser Luau. Experience the Aloha Spirit with our Hawaiian dinner, Mixology Class, Ms Tiki Escape Pin-up Pageant and the super fun Wiki Tiki Couple Contest. Come and take dibs on a great array of silent auction items you will have to have while supporting Ronald McDonald House Charities right here in Jacksonville (100% of auction sales goes to Ronald McDonald House Charities Jacksonville
Call our Preferred Travel Vendor, Wheeler Vacations at (904) 600-4911 for your special hotel rate before they are all booked out. Last year they went quick!
Join the fun and entertainment including:
Bourbon Bill's Mixology Experience - Bourbon Bill’s Mixology Experience was such a hit at last year’s event, we absolutely had to bring it back! During the Luau, Bourbon Bill shows you how to make your own cocktails right at your table. You will have the recipes to take home and a certificate showing you survived, uh, completed Bourbon Bill’s Mixology Experience! This is included in your General Admission or V.I.P. ticket. Note: A non-alcoholic option is available upon request.
Ms. Tiki Escape Pin-up Pageant - Back by popular demand, the second annual Ms. Tiki Escape Pin-Up Pageant! Do you have what it takes to turn the judge’s head and take home the crown? First place get crown, sash, trophy and $100 cash prize. Second and third get a tiara, sash and trophy. Reigning Queen Melina Smart will crown the new queen at this event! Attendance is included in your General Admission or V.I.P. ticket. To compete contact Cecilia Wheeler at cecilia@upscaleeventproductions.com for registration information. Please Note: Luau dinner is not included in separate contestant registration, but we encourage you to buy tickets to enjoy all the activities.
Wiki Tiki Couple Contest - You will not want to miss this! Compete in the Wiki Tiki Couple Contest to show your best Aloha wear and spirit. This hilarious, fun-filled competition is as entertaining to compete in as it is to watch. Reigning couple Kevin and Kendra return to crown the new champions! Attendance is included in your General Admission or V.I.P. ticket. To compete contact Cecilia Wheeler at cecilia@upscaleeventproductions.com for registration information. Please Note: Luau dinner is not included in separate contestant registration, but we encourage you to buy tickets to enjoy all the activities.
NEW! Sponsor a Table
Buy 5 Tickets – Get the 6th Ticket FREE PLUS Early admission
New this year, buy a table of tickets and save! Buy 5 tickets and get the 6th FREE. Table sponsors can enter the Table Decorating Contest (you will have early admission to decorate your table). Prizes for the winning table design. Contact Cecilia Wheeler at cecilia@upscaleeventproductions.com for registration details today!
Silent Auction - Last year we had a wide array of silent auction items to bid on, from diamond tennis bracelets, to gift cards for dining and experiences, to several hand-carved Tikis from nationally known carvers. There is something for everyone (or someone on your gift list)! Come and bid early and often to get that must-have item you will take home that night.
100% of auction sales goes to Ronald McDonald House Charities Jacksonville.
Have an item to donate? We put your logo and contact info on the bid sheets so those who “miss out” can still contact you afterwards to buy that special “must have” gift! Contact Cecilia Wheeler at cecilia@upscaleeventproductions.com for details.
Individual Sponsorships Available Now
Get your brand in front of loyal, eager-to-buy Tiki Fans! Contact Cecilia Wheeler at cecilia@upscaleeventproductions.com for details. Sponsors also get early admission to set up a vendor booth. We have several levels of sponsorship to meet every budget.
See You There!